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Grace Presbyterian Church's own music director -- Dr. H. Leslie Adams won the Cleveland Arts Prize for a Lifetime Achievement Artist in Music on June 26, 2015.  We are blessed to have him as part of our Grace family! 

Grace Minister of Music

Dr. H. Leslie Adams has served as the Grace Music Minister and Choir Director for more than 15 years.  This beloved musician is an accomplished pianist and composer.

Born in Cleveland, Ohio, Dr. Adams has an outstanding educational pedigree inluding: Oberlin College Conservatory of Music, composition with Herbert Elwell and Joseph Wood; voice with Robert Fountain; and piano with Emil Danenberg, B.M., 1955; New York, N.Y.: composition privately with Robert Starer, 1959 and Vittorio Giannini, 1960; California State University, composition with Leon Dallin and Robert Tyndall, M.Mus., 1967; Ohio State University, composition with Marshall Barnes, 1968-73, Ph.D.; University of Kansas. [post-grad] orchestration with Edward Mattila, 1974; Cleveland Institute of Music, [post-grad] orchestration with Eugene O'Brien and [privately] Marcel Dick, 1978-83.

Composing and Performing Career.: New York, N. Y.: piano accompanist for various ballet and dance companies (including studios of Ballet Russe, Robert Joeffrey and June Taylor); received numerous performances of his compositions by a variety of artists (including composer debut at Judson Hall) 1957-61. Cleveland, Ohio: Karamu House, associate musical director, 1964-65. Raton. N.M.:​

Kaleidoscope Players, music director, 1967-68. Cleveland, Ohio: Karamu House composer-in-residence, 1979-80; Cuyahoga Community College, guest composer, 1980; Cleveland Music School Settlement, composer-in-residence, 1981-82; Accord Associates, Inc., founder and president, 1980-86, and executive vice-president and composer-in-residence, 1986-92; Creative Arts, Inc., president and artist-in-residence, 1997-present. East Cleveland: Seifullah Gallery, artist-in-residence, 2011-present. Lakewood, Ohio: Grace Presbyterian Church, music/choir director, 1996-present

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